% LaTeX file for resume % This file uses the resume document class (res.cls) \documentclass[margin]{res} %\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty) %\usepackage{newcent} % uses new century schoolbook postscript font \topmargin=-0.5in % start text higher on the page \setlength{\textheight}{10in} % increase text height to fit resume on 1 page \begin{document} \name{ARTHUR TART} \address{ 1621 Fulton Street \\ Troy, NY 12180 \\ (518) 272-5678 } \begin{resume} \section{OBJECTIVE} Summer employment as drafter/designer. \section{EDUCATION} Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY \\ Bachelor of Architecture, expected May 1991 \\ G.P.A. 3.2/4.0 \begin{ncolumn}{2} {\bf Major Subjects} & {\bf Minor Subjects} \\ Design I-III & Intro. to Management \\ Fund. Arch. Tech. I,II & Drawing I \\ Structures I-IV & International Relations \\ Materials & Intro. to Economics \\ Construction Systems & History of USAF \\ Environmental Controls & Management in USAF \\ \end{ncolumn} \section{SKILLS} \normalsize{\section{Graphic Design}} \begin{itemize} \item Designed and painted signs, murals, flyers, posters, T-shirts. \end{itemize} \normalsize{\section{Remodeling}} \begin{itemize} \item Repaired fraternity house. \end{itemize} \normalsize{\section{Leadership}} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt % reduce space between items \item Positions in ROTC including Flight Sergeant, Assistant to the Inspector General, and Junior Operations Officer \item Completed Air Force Field Training (top 20\%) \item Executive Committee; managed Fraternity's finances, operation and maintenance. Rush Co-chairman, Pledge Educator, Assistant Treasurer \item Facilitated parent and student discussion groups during Student Orientation Program \end{itemize} \normalsize{\section{Communication}} \begin{itemize} \itemsep -2pt \item Delivered Salutatorian address at high school graduation \item Addressed ROTC Corps on topics ranging from ``History of Architecture at RPI'' to ``Climbing in the Catskills'' \item Led campus tours \end{itemize} \section{EXPERIENCE} \begin{tabular}{p{3in} r} % setup 2 columns, first % is 3 inches wide Folsom Library, RPI, Troy, NY & Summer 89 \end{tabular} \begin{itemize} % \item[] prevents a bullet from appearing \item[] Catalogued for Serials Dept.; data entry \end{itemize} \begin{tabular}{p{3in} r} Sky View Restaurant, Lake Placid, NY & Summer 88 \end{tabular} \begin{itemize} \item[] Hired as dishwasher, promoted to cook \end{itemize} \begin{tabular}{p{3in} r} % one column is 3 inches wide Willard's Family Restaurant, Lake Placid, NY & Summer 87 \end{tabular} \begin{itemize} \item[] Hired as dishwasher, prep-cook \end{itemize} \section{HONORS} Dean's List \\ ROTC 4-year scholarship (Air Force \& Navy) \\ Salutatorian Medal, Mayfield Central School, NY \section{ACTIVITIES} AFROTC, Rho Chi Rho Fraternity, GM Week committee, \\ Student Orientation advisor \section{HOBBIES} Golf, Tennis, Racquetball, Running, Politics \end{resume} \end{document}