\documentclass[letterpaper,10pt,final,twoside,notitlepage]{article} \usepackage[top=0.75in,left=1.0in,right=1.0in,bottom=1.0in]{geometry} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[USenglish]{babel} \usepackage[super]{nth} \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,x11names]{xcolor} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage[noabbrev,nameinlink]{cleveref} \usepackage{nameref} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{chngcntr} \usepackage{ctable} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{titling} \usepackage{titlesec} \titleformat{\section}{\LARGE}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule] % [\titlerule] places the line stretching across the page beneath the section \titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{3pt}{5pt} \titleformat{\subsection}{\Large}{}{1em}{} \titleformat{\paragraph}{}{}{0em}{} \newcommand{\IIT}{Illinois Institute of Technology} \begin{titlepage} \title{Karl Hallsby's R\'{e}sum\'{e}/Curricula Vitae} % Your name \author{Karl Hallsby} \date{Last Edited: \today} \end{titlepage} \begin{document} \par{\centering{\Huge \theauthor}\bigskip\par} \vspace{-0.70cm} \begin{center} \begin{tabularx}{1.0\linewidth}{ >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X >{\centering\arraybackslash}X >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % \toprule \href{https://karl.hallsby.com}{karl.hallsby.com} & \href{mailto://karl@hallsby.com}{karl@hallsby.com} & \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlhallsby/}{\textsc{LinkedIn}: karlhallsby} \\ % \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \end{center} \section{Education}\label{sec:Education} \paragraph{M.S.\ Computer Engineering, Specializing in Computer Systems Software, \IIT{}}\label{MS-CE} Expected Graduation: 2022. \paragraph{B.S.\ Computer Engineering}\label{par:BS-CE} \IIT{} Expected Graduation: 2022. \textbf{GPA}: 3.9... Study abroad at: Lunds Tekniska H\"{o}gskola, Lund, Sweden, 2019 --- 2020 \subsection{Course Work}\label{sec:Course_Work} % If applying for particular position, pick and choose 1-3 classes to describe in depth % In depth = 1-2 bullet points % Can do brief description of every class on the website, not here. % Can make Course Work a section instead, and put above Professional Experience % Professional/Course Work prove my skills/proficiencies tates above \section{Technical Proficiencies}\label{sec:Technical_Proficiencies} \subsection{Programming Languages}\label{subsec:Programming_Langs} C, C++, Java, Python 3, Haskell \subsection{Software}\label{subsec:Software} Git, \LaTeX{}, \textsc{Linux}, \textsc{Nix}, Microsoft Office Suite \subsection{Hardware}\label{subsec:Hardware} Oscilloscope, Digital Logic Analyzer % Add languages and their proficiencies \subsection{Languages}\label{subsec:Languages} Spanish Swedish \section{Professional Experience}\label{sec:Professional_Experience} \begin{tabular}[h!]{r|p{11cm}} {\large\textsc{Jul 2020 --- Aug 2020}} & {\large Intern at \href{https://mazarineventures.com}{Mazarine Ventures}}, Chicago, IL \\ {\large\textsc{May 2019 --- Aug 2019}} & \emph{Technical Specialist} \\ \end{tabular} Worked with partners in VC firm to refine and automate deal flow database. \\ Redesigned and automated website. \\ \begin{tabular}[h!]{r|p{11cm}} {\large\textsc{May 2018 --- Aug 2018}} & {\large Intern at Nalco Water, an Ecolab Company}, Naperville, IL \\ {\large\textsc{Dec 2017 --- Jan 2018}} & \emph{Technical Manual Specialist} \\ \end{tabular} Reviewed, revised, edited, and drafted technical manuals for equipment used in water treatment. \\ Created training materials for new employees and helped develop training curriculum. \\ Created automated templates and formatting macros for others to use in developing new manuals adhering to department standards. \\ Created code in VBA for automated pricing tools, integrating MS Word and MS Excel, and developed training materials for sales team. \\ Using Adobe RoboHelp, converted manuals to a cloud-based HTML5 version, allowing access to manuals from mobile phones, tablets, and laptop computers. \\ Developed system for version control. \\ \begin{tabular}[h!]{r|p{11cm}} {\large\textsc{Jun 2015 --- Aug 2017}} & {\large Starbucks}, Naperville, IL \\ & \emph{Barista} \\ \end{tabular} Reported to the store manager, made handcrafted beverages, maintained clean facilities that exceeded health inspections. \\ Trained new employees on drink creation and standards. \\ \section{Honors}\label{sec:Honors} \begin{tabularx}{1.0\linewidth}{l >{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X} % \toprule \IIT{} --- High Honors Roll & 2017 --- 2019 \\ \IIT{} --- Camras Scholarship & 2017 --- Present \\ Batavia High School --- Highest Honor Roll ($>4.375$ GPA) & 2013 --- 2017 \\ % \bottomrule \end{tabularx} \section{Other Activities}\label{sec:Other_Activities} \paragraph{Triangle Fraternity, Armour Chapter}\label{par:Triangle-Armour} Act as system administrator for the chapter’s fileserver and webpage. \paragraph{CyberHawk Security}\label{par:CyberHawks} Participate in bug bounties, capture-the-flag competitions \paragraph{Eta Kappa Nu, HKN}\label{par:HKN} Member of the \href{https://www.ieee.org}{\textsc{IEEE}} honor society \paragraph{Martial Arts Club}\label{par:Martial_Arts_Club} Former Vice President. \\ Ran meetings, Organized group events, and Coordinated with school to ensure the club's activities run smoothly. \\ Still actively teaching classes. \section{Interests}\label{sec:Interests} \paragraph{Tang Soo Do}\label{par:TSD} Attending martial arts classes for 15 years. Currently \nth{3} degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. Certified instructor of Tang Soo Do. \paragraph{Downhill Skiing}\label{par:Skiing} \paragraph{Music}\label{par:Music} Played oboe for 10 years. Member of Batavia High School’s highest rated orchestra, winning state awards. \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: