% Feel free to chop this out to reach one page. \section{Other Activities}\label{sec:Other_Activities} \paragraph{Triangle Fraternity, Armour Chapter}\label{par:Triangle-Armour} \subparagraph{House Manager}\label{par:House_Manager} Member of Chapter Executive Board. Responsible for keeping facilities in livable condition. Responsible for organizing both regular House duties and pre-semester work week. \subparagraph{Fileserver/Website Administrator}\label{par:Triangle_ServerAdmin} Maintain chapter website. Replaced outdated Linux server with new FreeBSD-based system. Determine requirements and identified budget, obtained funds from National organization, and replaced hardware. \paragraph{\href{https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs}{\upshape\texttt{nixpkgs}} Contributor} Redesigned the \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/index}{GNU Octave} definition to allow for declarative installation and management of add-on libraries. \paragraph{\href{https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager}{\upshape\texttt{home-manager}} Contributor} Refactored the \texttt{mbsync} configuration module to allow for greater control over how email is fetched. \par Added configuration module for the \texttt{mu} email indexing and searching program. \paragraph{CyberHawk Security}\label{par:CyberHawks} Participate in bug bounties, capture-the-flag competitions % Replace \paragraph{Eta Kappa Nu, HKN --- Member of \href{https://www.ieee.org}{\textsc{IEEE}} honor society}\label{par:HKN} \paragraph{Tau Beta Pi, TB$\Pi$ --- Member of Engineering Honor Society}\label{par:TBP} \paragraph{Martial Arts Club --- Vice President (2018), \nth{3} Degree Black Belt, Tang Soo Do Instructor}\label{par:Martial_Arts_Club} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "Hallsby_Karl" %%% End: