% Feel free to chop this out to reach one page. \section{Other Activities}\label{sec:Other_Activities} \paragraph{Triangle Fraternity, Armour Chapter}\label{par:Triangle-Armour} \subparagraph{Resident Advisor}\label{par:Triangle-RA} \begin{notopsepitemize} \item Connected current students with alumni for mentorship \item Guided Junior Actives on project management, to compmlete upgrades to chapter House \item Acted as intermediary between Active House and Alumni Board \end{notopsepitemize} \subparagraph{House Manager, Chapter Executive Board}\label{par:Triangle-House_Man} \begin{notopsepitemize} \item Responsible for keeping house operating and in compliance with local and school rules \item Organized regular House duties and bi-annual pre-semester \enquote{work week} for scheduled maintenance \& upkeep \item Investigated \& Determined COVID-19 policies for chapter House, preventing any infections within the House \end{notopsepitemize} \subparagraph{Fileserver/Website Administrator}\label{par:Triangle-ServerAdmin} \begin{notopsepitemize} \item Maintain chapter website \item Replaced outdated Linux server with new FreeBSD-based system \item Determined requirements and budget, obtained funds from National organization, and replaced hardware \end{notopsepitemize} \paragraph{\href{https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs}{\upshape\texttt{nixpkgs}} Contributor} Redesigned the \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/index}{GNU Octave} definition to allow for declarative installation and management of add-on libraries \paragraph{\href{https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager}{\upshape\texttt{home-manager}} Contributor} Refactored \texttt{mbsync} configuration module to allow for more granular control over how email is fetched. \par Added configuration module for the \texttt{mu} email indexing and searching program % Replace \paragraph{Eta Kappa Nu, $\mathrm{HKN}$}\label{par:HKN} Member of \href{https://www.ieee.org}{\textsc{IEEE}} honor society \paragraph{Tau Beta Pi, $\mathrm{TB}\Pi$}\label{par:TBP} Member of Engineering Honor Society \paragraph{Martial Arts Club}\label{par:Martial_Arts_Club} Vice President (2018) \par 3\textsuperscript{rd} Degree Black Belt \par Tang Soo Do Instructor %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "Hallsby_Karl" %%% End: