--- layout: about title: about permalink: / description: Affiliations. Address. Contacts. Moto. Etc. profile: align: right image: prof_pic.jpg address: >

555 your office number

123 your address street

Your City, State 12345

news: true # includes a list of news items selected_papers: true # includes a list of papers marked as "selected={true}" social: true # includes social icons at the bottom of the page --- Write your biography here. Tell the world about yourself. Link to your favorite [subreddit](http://reddit.com){:target="\_blank"}. You can put a picture in, too. The code is already in, just name your picture `prof_pic.jpg` and put it in the `img/` folder. Put your address / P.O. box / other info right below your picture. You can also disable any these elements by editing `profile` property of the YAML header of your `_pages/about.md`. Edit `_bibliography/papers.bib` and Jekyll will render your [publications page](/al-folio/publications/) automatically. Link to your social media connections, too. This theme is set up to use [Font Awesome icons](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/){:target="\_blank"} and [Academicons](https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/){:target="\_blank"}, like the ones below. Add your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, or just disable all of them.